Pray for Peace in our Land

(A statement from the Pastor)

We all witnessed the horrible, inexcusable death of George Floyd. I believe all fair minded people who witnessed this were outraged by what they saw and we should all cry out for justice to be done. However, some in our nation are using this tragedy as an excuse to cause chaos, confusion, violence, theft and murder. Even members of Mr. Floyd’s own family are crying out for this violence to stop.

Yet, some political agendas are trying to use this tragedy to pressure others to agree with their political view. Some very fair minded people who do love all people are being threatened that if they are not willing to go along with the political agenda of the far left, that they must be harmed in some way. That harm may come in the form of defamation of character, threats of bodily injury or acts of violence perpetrated upon them.

As Christians we need to stick with what the Bible teaches. The Bible teaches us that all lives matter. Therefore, if what happened to Mr. Floyd had happened to someone of a different shade of skin, it would be just as wrong as what happened to Mr. Floyd. Thus, the unlawful taking of any human life be it by police or by a mob, are all equally wrong. One wrong never justifies another wrong. The only way for us to unite as a country is to hold to the teachings of Christ. They are true for all men. Their truth has nothing to do with the color of our skin. They are God’s teachings to which all people should adhere and to which we will all be held accountable on Judgment Day. Jesus declared the greatest of all commandments to be as follows:


Matthew 22:37-40 (NKJV) 37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”


God’s words are far more important than what any politician, anarchist, or group leader of any kind could ever say. So let us be careful not to get caught up in any camp that men may try to create, but let us as Christians stay faithful to the teachings of Christ our Lord. And seek to demonstrate God’s love to all.

Parents Help: Day by Day

By Robbin Murray

It’s daunting, even terrifying at times.  How can we compete with an evil world and raise up a child who lives wholeheartedly for God?  Well precious parent, I had to come to the realization that I did not create my children, so after many failed attempts, I returned to the “owner’s manual”

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 “And these words that I command you shall be on your heart.  You shall diligently teach them to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise.”

Diligently definition: in a way that shows care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties. Constant in effort to accomplish something, attentive and with persevering consideration.

Note that gently is in the word diligently. Gently is defined as doing something with a mild, kind and tender manner.

At times it seems so overwhelming we feel it can’t be accomplished. In a world bursting with effort to deceive our children, how can we compete? We are tired and stressed and worn thin. Satan has convinced us we are not capable of the task and we beat ourselves up with missed opportunities of yesterday. We tell ourselves we don’t know how or we’re not intelligent enough.

Please take note that the first instruction given in Deuteronomy 6 is regarding OUR learning.  “these words that I command shall be upon YOUR heart.”  My mother used to tell me “if momma’s cup is empty she will have nothing to give her children”.  It is definitely that way when it comes to spiritual things.

Jeremiah 29:13 “You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart.”

We must first determine WE will seek Him and then when we catch a glimpse of Him, we share it with our children. The goal of “God sightings” is to seek and share with our children. We are not experts, only announcers telling what God has said and shown us.

As your depth of knowledge increases, your excitement will allow you to teach them more, according to their ability to learn from us. We cannot pass down what we do not have. The love of our Savior is more “caught than taught.” More is learned from a heart full of devotion than from a daily devotion.

Sing songs that speak of Him, tell them about your answered prayer, and pray with them in earnest over everyday events and concerns.

When you walk with them perhaps you can talk about how many miles Jesus must have walked teaching and healing. When you make breakfast tell them about the day that Jesus made breakfast for His disciples.  At bath time speak to them about the time that no one wanted to wash stinky feet, but the King of All bent down to teach us about serving. When you see a bird, tell them about how the Lord notices every time one dies. And when you see stars tell them that each one has a name and the wonderful artist that created those stars, knows every one. As they get older and can grasp more depth tell them how the Bible says the stars sing; thousands of years before scientist knew each one made a beautiful sound.  Perhaps you could tape your memory verse to the dash of your car and say it together as your “captive audience” is securely buckled in.

One hour, one prayer, one meal at a time.  Day by day.  Week by week. When you sit in your house, or walk by the way, rise up or lay down.   Do not look back. Satan loves to tell us we cannot do today what we failed to do yesterday. Don’t listen, start this hour.

The responsibility and honor belongs to us as parents.  It is not the job of the church or school.  Ours… the finished product does not belong to us.  We cannot force it.  It must be caught from us.  We cannot pass down what we do not have.

I cannot let you finish reading this without telling you I am not so arrogant as to believe I did everything right. I did not. Far from it, but as I told my children when they were growing up, if I did something right, add to it. And the errors I have made, forgive me for and don’t repeat. I hope to share both my successes and failures that you may learn from both, as one struggling parent to another.


Family memory verse:

           Deuteronomy 6:5 “ And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and all your soul and with all your strength.”